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HomeHistory - 100 Years of LWV Greenwich
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1920* — Today

*The Greenwich News and Graphic is the source of the early information.

1921-30 ___________________________________________________________________

Mrs. Ralph E. Brush was the first president of the newly formed non-partisan organization to be known as the Greenwich League of Women Voters.  The first "action" effort was to lobby President Harding on the disarmament conference.

Mrs. Jonathan A. Rawson, president, had a speaker on the cost of living.  A resolution was passed urging the building of a new high school (on Field Point Road, now the Greenwich Town Hall).

Raymond Moley, a journalist who later became part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Brain Trust, gave a series of lectures on "Who Makes Public Opinion".

Mrs. Paul W. Alexander, president, held an evening meeting with a speaker on Council Management Government.  The local newspaper also reported that a regular monthly meeting was held in conjunction with the Sound Beach League*, with its president, Mrs. A.M. Morris, presiding.  A round-table discussion of the proposed National League program was held.  A National League attack on citizen indifference and ignorance took the form of training for citizenship and supporting legislation.
* This is the only mention of the Sound Beach League found.

Mrs. Richard Thiebaut, president.  A speaker told of various bills before the State Legislature to: create the post of woman probation officer for Greenwich, raise pensions for policemen's widows, install multiple voting machines for Greenwich, mandate jury service for women, and limit the work week for women to 48 hours.

Mrs. Paul W. Alexander, president.  A mass meeting was held on "Saving the Trees of Greenwich", co-sponsored by the Tree Association, Greenwich Garden Club, Woman's Club, Round Hill Community Association, and the League.

1931-40 ___________________________________________________________________

During this same period, a group of concerned women in Riverside, called the Riverside Women's Civic Association, formed ties to the League.  The information about the League was found in their minutes.

Mrs. Donald C. Blanke, president.  A resolution was passed commending the Police Department for vigilance in protecting residents from speeders and traffic violators, and for the unfailing courtesy of the Greenwich police.
Mrs. S.A. Dennis, president (Riverside).  It was moved and passed that the association be known as the Riverside Branch of the League of Women Voters.  Mrs. Thomas Wentworth cordially welcomed this chapter to the fold.  Mrs. Kitchel, state representative, spoke on important legislation in Hartford.  Allen Barton, state senator, also spoke.

Mrs. Paul W. Alexander, president.  Walter W. Van Kirk spoke on world unrest and urged the Greenwich League to write in favor of United States ratification of the World Court Protocols for the reduction of armaments.  A report of the National LWV Convention concentrated on unemployment, public finance, urgent international measures, and pre-election responsibilities.
Mrs. Carlton Marsh, president (Riverside).  At a program on "How Greenwich Spends our Monday" members learned that the low mill rate (13.75 mills) was due to good management, large acreage, and small population (33,112 at last census).  In September,  the Riverside League had speakers from the Socialist, Republican, and Democratic parties who explained their policies.

In January a meeting was held to explain the proposed representative form of government (which became the Representative Town Meeting).  The town would have sections of about 100 voters each from which a representative would be elected to Town Meeting for a three-year term.  Greenwich would be the first town in Connecticut to try this new form of government.  In December Roger Baldwin spoke on taxation.  Members voted down a proposed dues increase from $1.00 to $2.00.

Mrs. Bradford M. Fullerton, president.  There was talk of a new high school.  The existing school*, designed for 700, now had 1,400 pupils.  Mrs. Cook, president of LWVCT, told the history of the League and gave the state and national program.  In September the New Deal was discussed from the perspective of Democrats, Republicans, and Socialists.
* The school was once the Town Hall Annex and is now used for moderate income housing.

Peg (Mrs. Carroll) Belknap, president.  The following is excerpted from an interview with Peg Belknap in December, 1974, by the Oral History Project, Friends of the Greenwich Library:
"... the League really seemed to me to make sense and I joined and from then on I became active in civic affairs.  I worked on various committees and made a report which was well received and, due to a conflict in the board of the League at that time, they needed somebody for president who had not been involved in the controversy... so I became president of the League.  At that time it was the LWV of Riverside.  There was also a Greenwich LWV, but this had become rather inactive... and eventually ceased altogether.  The Riverside League took over on a town-wide basis."  At the Annual Meeting in October a new constitution and bylaws were adopted.  The League participated in a postcard campaign in an effort to remove civil service from political party patronage.  Annual meeting voted to change the fiscal year with elections in the spring.  The League had a pre-election headquarters to instruct voters on registration and voting, using a sample voting machine.  Peg Belknap later authored the highly acclaimed Town Annual Report.

Mrs. W.C. McKeehan, president.  A trailer was used for pre-election voter service activities.  Letters were sent to possible contributors but a rummage sale was the main source of LWV funds.  Members urged the LWVUS to go slow on making the amendment process to the Constitution more responsive to the will of the people.  Dues were raised to $2.00.  There were 113 members.

Mrs. Dudley Meek, president.  In September Mrs. Belknap reported that the Voters Handbook had gone to press.  A resolution was sent to the Election Laws Commission requesting that instructions be included in the ballot for write-in votes.  A new study group on Latin America was formed.  Discussions were held on caucuses and the direct primary.  Recommendations were made on town nominating procedures suggested by the LWV "Know Your Town" committee. 

1941-50 ___________________________________________________________________

Grace (Mrs. H. Liggett) Gray, president.  A report was given on a merit system for all town employees.  A majority of members favored supporting the Lend Lease Bill.  At the annual meeting, the speaker's topic was "A Woman's Place in Winning the Battle of Production for America's Defense".  Members were concerned with the war emergency; a survey of local defense was set up; representatives were sent to a "Connecticut Conference Toward Total Victory".  As a way to save time and gas, members decided to hold board and membership meetings on the same day.  LWV president reported to State League that Greenwich had 18,760 voters in 1940.  The Riverside LWV was changed to the League of Women Voters of Greenwich, Connecticut.

Bobbie (Mrs. Reynolds) Girdler, president.  Speakers talked on "Financing the War and Post War Problems".  The annual meeting speaker talked about "A United Nations Council Now".  War bonds and stamps were sold at meetings.  The topic of the November meeting was "Demobilization and Reconversion in Greenwich".  There were 152 members in 1943.

Betty (Mrs. William Burnham) Ball, president.  Educational problems of Greenwich public schools were discussed.  Roger Baldwin spoke on "Problems of a Greenwich Budget Maker".  Board agreed to sponsor meetings on Town Planning with representatives from all organizations.  Wired support to Washington on loan to British and for action on atomic control.  Passed a resolution that appointments to the Board of Education should be non-partisan.

Lib (Mrs. William S.) Bellamy, president, heard a report on nominating procedures of the two parties for Board of Education and urged efforts to get additional nominations.  A study group supported civilian control of atomic energy.  The Greenwich League favored sales as opposed to an income tax.  Attendance records of RTM candidates were checked for publication in the newspaper.
Kay (Mrs. Ward) Phelps, president, had difficulty staffing the League office (at the YWCA) during the winter but it was a good storage space.  The League took a stand on the apparently undemocratic procedures in the Republican and Democratic Town Committees in regard to nominating procedures.  The League decided to study the Town Planning Commission with a view to increasing its powers and worked to stimulate support for the United Nations.

Dorothy (Mrs. Wendell) Phillips, president.  The League was active on United Nations Day.  Voter Services produced 8,000 flyers and 1,600 booklets of questions and answers from the candidates.  The Government Study Group was concerned with the Special Act for Greenwich and the Enabling Act.  A new bill for town planning and zoning was supported.  The League urged ratification of Town Planning Act.  An ambitious new "Member Year Book" was printed.  Cost $40.

1951-60 ___________________________________________________________________

Ginny (Mrs. H.C.) Turner, president.  The Board went on record as favoring a Town Manager form of government over the current Board of Selectmen.  The League also favored a Direct Primary Bill.  A report of the Social Welfare Committee on Housing was widely distributed throughout town.  The first Facts for Voters was prepared for distribution by Welcome Wagon.  The League decided to write to all new women voters to invite them to join the League.  Six hundred people attended a League-sponsored candidates' reception in November.  There were 390 members.

Ginna (Mrs. Nathan) Wentworth, president.  LWVG urged the BET to give more money to the Planning and Zoning Commission to speed the development of a Town Master Plan.  Budget-making procedures were studied.  The phone book listing for LWVG was at the president's home.  The League drew up lists of qualified Board of Education candidates and sent them to each party.  Finally, LWVG established a $50 prize for the outstanding social studies student of the high school graduating class.

Ellen (Mrs. Vincent F.) Ostrom, president, began a study on the Connecticut court system.  A local program supported community-wide activity to strengthen the public schools in Greenwich.  The dues were raised to $5.00.

Bobbie (Mrs. Reynolds) Girdler, president.  The president reported that during her term the public servants in town were doing a good job.  But later, when reforms were proposed to give the Planning and Zoning Commission real planning powers, the LWVG was told the commission didn't need more.  The League was partly responsible for setting up the Greenwich Association for the Public Schools (GAPS).

Isabel (Mrs. Abijah U.) Fox, president.  Changes to the Town Charter were proposed and eventually defeated.  The League was divided on the issue.  3,000 Scoreboards were mailed to members and distributed in town.  The scoreboards were the original "Voters Guides" with one printed for each of the 12 districts.

1961-1970 ___________________________________________________________________

Ruth L. (Mrs. Albert G.) Sims, president.  This was the year of the fight to support the construction of a new high school.  LWVG finally decided it would be better for all students to go to one school, but to break the school up into separate houses.  Development and land use planning raised the issue of extending sewers into the back country, where the ground was mostly solid granite.

Dorothy (Mrs. David K.) Osler, president.  Land use was the important topic discussed at Unit (neighborhood group) meetings.  Senator Prescott Bush spoke at the Annual Meeting on the "Need for Congressional Reform".

Eva (Mrs. Wilmarth H.) Starr, president.  The major issues in town related to the size of the new high school, the fate of the Condé Nast property, and pollution from the American Felt Company.  Three bus loads went on a "Know Your Town Tour".

Judy (Mrs. Robert) Carey, president.  The LWVG acquired an offset printing press and began to save money and produce income.  Red China's possible admission to the U.N. was the big topic of debate.  Open Space Planning (cluster zoning) was an important local issue.  The National League's plans for a 50th Anniversary celebration required fundraising by local leagues.  Our own Ruth L. Sims became president of the LWVCT.  League members paraded in suffragist costumes in the Memorial Day parade.  Board decided to include first names in Member Handbook.

Audrey (Mrs. Peter) Triolo, president.  The LWVG focused on corporate development (Xerox, UST, and others were seeking to build large office buildings), waterfront development, and affordable housing (Greenwich Moderate Housing tried to build on Brown House Road in Old Greenwich).  The LWVG Voters Guide was mailed to all households instead of being published only in the newspaper

1971-80 ___________________________________________________________________

Olwen (Ollie) Jones, president.  The newly-formed LWVG Educational Fund obtained tax exempt status.  The LWVG was critical of the lack of coordination between the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Building Inspector over the General Reinsurance building.  The LWVG worked to persuade the town to buy the Goodbody property (now Mianus River Park).  Greenwich was named a key precinct in ABC's Election Night Reporting.  Consensus on Town Government was taken, asking for more equal RTM districts and for more choice in BET elections.

Annette Calimafde, president.  LWVG worked hard on local Greenwich public transportation, initiated Greenwich Government Week, and registered 18-year-olds to vote at the high school.  The BET refused the League's request for help to finance the Scoreboard.  The LWVG Educational Fund published Follow Those Footsteps, a child's book on voting and democracy, and sold 3,000 all over the country, and also printed Greenwich, a know-your-town booklet which was popular with realtors and sold 1,500 copies. 

The Greenwich League was incorporated on May 14, 1974.

Betty Hauptman, president.  The Greenwich Government Week program was applauded by LWVUS in the National VOTER.  LWVG lobbied successfully for two good government issues: choice for voters in the Board of Education election and a full-time First Selectman.  An all-out campaign for a transit system with minibuses continued. 

On the occasion of the nation's bicentennial, the LWVG published the first RTM Guide as a gift to the town.

Maggie Wyman, president.  The League enjoyed success on the Bottle Bill.  It also registered voters at the library, held How-to-Run-for-Office workshops, and printed full attendance records of RTM members (creating some discomfort!).  Ruth Sims was elected First Selectman

Adele Teitell, president.  Some defeats include the Minibus Transit Program, attempts to increase moderate income housing, and efforts to change the method of electing BET members.  The Cash for Trash campaign for recycling fared better.  A dinner for town leaders was held, called "Progress and Preservation".

Jara Burnett, president.  Concern was expressed about ethical problems (conflicts of interest) in the BET.  LWVG initiated a training session for new RTM members.  The League printed the Voters Guide independently and mailed it to every household. The Ed. Fund published a new booklet called Making Things Happen: A Guide to Greenwich Government.

1981-90 ___________________________________________________________________

Mary Ferry, president.  Charter Revision was the major issue and although the proposal failed, there was success with some non-controversial amendments.  Household hazardous waste removal was begun with the League's support.  The LWVG raised $5,000 to finance the first collection, which became a demonstration project for other communities.  LWVG studied town boards and commissions, and advocated for a stronger executive branch of town government.  An LWVG documentary, A Decade of Decision, illustrated decision-making in town.

Elizabeth Patterson, president.  LWVG study of the Cos Cob power plant property resulted in a consensus on criteria for acquiring open space (adopted in 1985).  A state study on marital property underscored the need for women's rights in this area of the law.  

Marge Curtis, president.  Studies were planned on parking, a Land Bank, and the election of the Selectmen.  A Land Bank position was adopted in 1986.  22,000 Voters Guides were delivered in town.  Plans were made to initiate evening Board meetings to accommodate increasing numbers of working members.  Young women were encouraged to join the League.  Dues were raised to $30.00.
Dorothy (Dodie) Blanche, president, tried different approaches to make LWVG work in changing times with more working women.  The League sponsored AWARE to support environmental concerns.  LWVG also supported the town in recycling efforts (newspapers began to be collected), resulting in the reactivation of the Greenwich Recycling Action Board (GRAB).  The League registered 173 people at Sidewalk Sale Days.  The town mill rate was 25.8.  Dues were raised to $40.00.

Elizabeth (Beth) Krumeich, president, was the first LWVG president with a full-time job outside the home.  Pollution of Long Island Sound and ways to both prevent and clean up pollution were major focuses.  The pro-choice (in women's reproductive rights) issue came to the fore as the LWVG joined with many other groups to plan a major rally in town.  A National Health Care study was started.

1991-2000 ___________________________________________________________________

Betsy Jordan Hand, president.  Saving the Sound: A Study of Efforts to Protect Long Island Sound was published following the 1992 Long Island Sound consensus.  The League published the Guide to the Town Budget as part of a study that led to the Town Budget Process consensus in 1992.  The League joined in a coalition sponsoring a "Rally for Choice" featuring Roe v. Wade lawyer Sarah Weddington.  Two studies were conducted: the Town Plan of Development, and Land Use and Public Health Services in Greenwich.  LWVG lobbied for national health care reform.  It published People Make It Happen: A Guide to Greenwich Government.  Elections of Residents' Councils at town housing developments Wilbur Peck Court, Agnes Morley Heights, Quarry Knolls, and Armstrong Court, were supported.  The League registered 1,010 new voters in 1992.  Membership was over 350. 

The 1994-5 town mill rate was 14.39, following reevaluation.  In 1994 the League co-sponsored with Greenwich Time and Greenwich Magazine a breakfast called "Reinventing Greenwich Government" and then, with same co-sponsors and an $8,000 grant from the Greenwich Community Fund, executed Goals for Greenwich: A Citizen Survey of Town Services. 

As part of 75th Anniversary initiated $1,000 Citizen Scholar grant to high school senior. 

Cheryl Dunson, president.  A strong land use educational and advocacy campaign was implemented based upon the League's 1995 Land Use Planning Position.  A highlight of the education campaign was the public event spearheaded by the League, with support from 23 community partners, to raise $10,000 to bring noted architect and planner Andrés Duany to Greenwich for a day-long workshop and evening public forum.  A highlight of the League's successful advocacy was the Planning and Zoning Commission's first-ever inclusion of an implementation plan, to be reviewed on a biennial basis, as part of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development.

Public Health Care Services study was brought to consensus in 1997 and strong action was initiated on the adopted position.  A major highlight was the achievement in 1999 of a key goal of the position: an external evaluation of the Greenwich Department of Health.
The Executive Branch of Town Government Study was initiated in 1998, setting the stage for another area of education and advocacy at the local level.

JoAnn Messina, president.  Completed the Executive Branch study, reached consensus and advanced the League's Executive Branch of Government position to promote efficiency and accountability in local government.  Implementation committee's media presentation educated the public and resulted in a charter review committee being appointed.  The League sponsored a public forum about "Mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus", securing the co-sponsorship of nine community organizations, and sponsored a Public Health Services Legislative Forum on issues and concerns relating to adolescent mental health.  The League served on the project Committee to preserve nearly 100-acre Treetops Property, 30-acre Calves Island, and acquisition of Pomerance property.  Participated in all aspects of effort, including community education, advocacy, and private sector fundraising.  The League co-sponsored a Graustein "Conversations on Education" Forum with Greenwich Jewish Family Services, bringing together more than sixty members of the community to discuss "Helping all Students Succeed in a Diverse Society".  The League's Vice President, Voter Service, received the YWCA "Spirit of Greenwich" Award.  Member and former LWVCT President Kay Maxwell was nominated and elected as National LWV President.  The League continued to work in partnership with other community organizations.  We co-sponsored (with the Stamford Land Conservation Trust and others) a forum on the importance of biodiversity and how we can develop practical, innovative, locally-based strategies to stem ecosystem loss.  The League also co-sponsored (with Westchester leagues) a public forum on stormwater pollution and how local land use officials and citizens may begin to address this issue.

2001-2010 ___________________________________________________________________

Joyce Young, president.  The League vigorously advocated for the Town of Greenwich Charter to be amended under Section 66 to provide for the First Selectman review and revision of proposed town budgets and operation plans.  The proposal was prepared by the Charter Revision Committee, appointed by the Board of Selectmen to implement the recommendations made by the League of Women Voters of Greenwich as a result of its in-depth study of the executive branch of Town government.  We are pleased that this amendment passed.  The League took an early lead in joining the Coalition to Combat Underage Drinking and co-sponsored several Coalition workshops. 

The EPA designated 2003 as the "Year of Clean Water".  Working in conjunction with the Greenwich Conservation Commission, the League organized a forum and workshop on stormwater pollution.  Members of the League organized Greenwich High School students to "paint the town" catch basins with stencils that read "Don't Dump: Drains to Long Island Sound".  Working with the Greenwich Conservation Commission and seven other community groups, the League organized a public forum at Town Hall entitled "How Well is Our Well Water: A Public Forum on the USGS Study of Greenwich Groundwater Supply".  The League, working in partnership with the Bruce Museum, Greenwich Land Trust, and Historical Society of the Town of Greenwich, sponsored two presentations: "Sprawl, Smart Growth and Transportation Challenges in Connecticut" and "Transforming I-95 into CT's Growth Corridor".  To celebrate Women's History Month we co-sponsored, with the Greenwich Historical Society, a one-woman show "Susan B. Anthony - The Invincible!", a lively depiction of the life and times of this remarkable suffragist.  The LWVUS co-sponsored the "March for Women's Lives" in Washington, D.C., on April 25th.   The LWVG co-sponsored (with Greenwich NOW and the Greenwich YWCA) bus transportation to the march.  The bus was filled and many Greenwich residents traveled on their own to this historic march and rally of over one million women and their families.

Donna Nickitas, president.  From July to December the League was led by an executive committee structure that shared leadership and decision-making responsibilities.  By year's end Donna become President.  In 2004-5 our new and improved website,, was launched.  The League co-sponsored a "Pandemic Influenza Planning" program with the Greenwich Department of Health, Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich Library, and the Greenwich Chapter of the American Red Cross.  A "Preserving our Communities' Trees" program was co-sponsored by LWVG, the Greenwich Conservation Commission, the League of Conservation Voters, the Bruce Museum, and other community organizations, which was designed to educate the public about the benefits and value of community trees, to highlight ways to protect those we feel are vulnerable.  "Out In The Cold: A Serious Conversation About Housing", a community conversation, was co-sponsored by the LWVG, Commission on Aging, Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich Housing Authority, and the United Way of Greenwich.  The presentation and panel discussion highlighted the current state of housing development and the challenges the Greenwich community faces as it moves forward and plans for its future housing needs. 

The League held a very successful 85th Anniversary Celebration in October 2005.  During the celebration, Senator Bill Nickerson and Representative Dolly Powers presented a Citation from the State of Connecticut to the League for our 85 years of service.  We also received a Proclamation from the First Selectman's office.  Thirteen past and current presidents were honored at the event.

An Ethics Study Committee was formed in the summer of 2006 after reviewing and analyzing various Connecticut municipal ethics codes, The State Model Code, the International Municipal Lawyers' Association Code, and other prominent codes.  The Committee compared these documents and the State League's Ethics Position with those provisions set forth in Greenwich's Ethics Code, and interviewed over one dozen Town Officers, including past and present Board of Ethics members.

In 2007 the League of Women Voters of Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation Study was completed and consensus was reached to support a) choice in electing the BET, b) staggering terms, and c) election of chair and vice-chair by BET members.  The League became involved in an extensive community outreach and voter education program, "Stop, Look, and Listen", to provide in-depth education on the new voting machines for the State of Connecticut.
The first League forum entitled "The First Sixty Days of the New Administration" was held in Jannuary 2008 to welcome the newly-elected town administration and to learn about accomplishments and intentions.

Naomi Schiff Myers, president.  There are four innovations that occurred during this two-year period: The Mary Award was created and named in honor of two exceptional League members (Mary Sullivan and Mary Lou Woods) who had not received the recognition they deserved during their lifetimes.  This award is to be given annually to a League member who has made outstanding contributions to the League and to the community.  The first award was given in 2009 to Annette Fox and Dodie Blanche, and the 2010 award was given to Jara Burnett.  A trophy is engraved with the recipient's name each year to maintain an historical record.  We won special recognition from the LWVCT for our new improved website.  Information from the binder-style Member Handbook can now be easily accessed and updated as needed.  In order to maintain privacy, only a Membership Directory will be periodically mailed to each household.  During election time the Voter's Guide is posted.  Archived issues of the Greenwich Voter, annual reports, by-laws, positions, mission statements, history, etc., as well as contact information for elected and appointed officials and numerous links to other important sites, are easily accessed.  We held a Building Green House tour event that was not only a fundraiser but also a vehicle for educating participants about alternative-energy options.  The Board intends to hold similar events in future years.  The Ethics study was brought to concurrence in 2009 and a position statement developed.  An educational campaign and advocacy efforts were implemented to amend and revise the Town of Greenwich Code of Ethics and to improve the Town's procedures for administration and enforcement.

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League Presidents


LWV Greenwich

2019    Sandy Waters
2018    Jara Burnett

2017    Jara Burnett, Liz van Caloen, and Claudia Carthaus
2013    Caroline Adkins, Cyndy Anderson, and Jara Burnett

2012    Cyndy Anderson and Karen Taggart
2010    Cyndy Anderson
2008    Naomi Schiff Myers

2004    Donna Nikitas
2002    Joyce Young

1999    JoAnn Messina
1996    Cheryl Dunson
1992    Betsy Jordan Hand
1990    Elizabeth Krumeich
1988    Dorothy (Dodie) Blanche
1986    Marge Curtis
1984    Elisabeth Patterson
1982    Mary Ferry
1980    Jara Burnett
1978    Adele Teitell
1977    Maggie Wyman
1975    Betty Haupman
1973    Annette Calimafde
1972    Olwen Jones
1970    Audrey Triolo
1968    Judy Carey
1966    Eva Starr
1964    Dottie Osler
1962    Ruth L. Sims
1960    Isabel Fox
1958    Bobbie Girdler
1956    Ellen Ostrom
1954    Ginna Wentworth
1952    Ginny Turner
1950    Mary B./Dorothy Phillips
1948    Lib Bellamy or Kay Phelps
1947    Lib Bellamy
1945    Betty Ball
1943    Bobbie Girdler

Riverside LWV

1941    Grace Gray
1939    Mrs. Dudley Meek
1937    Mrs. W.C. McKeehan
1935    Peg Belknap
1934    Mrs. Bradford M. Fullerton
1932    Mrs. Paul W. Alexander
1932    Mrs. Carlton Marsh
1931    Mrs. Stanley A. Dennis
1931    Anne Perry Marsh
1931    Mrs. Donald C. Blanke
1930    Mrs. Paul W. Alexander
1929    Mrs. Richard Thiebaut
1928    Mrs. Paul W. Alexander
1922    Mrs. Jonathan A. Rawson
1921    Mrs. Ralph E. Brush
1921    Mrs. J.E. Pittinger