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HomeAdvocacy: Greenwich

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The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue or advocates for a cause when there is an existing League position that supports the issue or speaks to the cause.

Positions result from a process of study. Any given study, whether it be National, State, or Local, is thorough in its pursuit of facts and details. As the study progresses, a continuing discussion of pros and cons of each situation occurs. Prior to the results of the study being presented to the general membership, study committee members fashion consensus questions that are then addressed by the membership.

Additional discussion, pro and con, takes place as members (not part of the study committee) learn the scope of the study. After the members reach consensus, the board forms positions based on that consensus.

It is the consensus statement -- the statement resulting from the consensus questions -- that becomes a position. Firm action or advocacy can then be taken on the particular issue addressed by the position. Without a position, action/advocacy cannot be taken.

Capital Projects Study

The Capital Projects Study Committee was formed during the summer of 2019 after approval of the Study by the members of the LWV Greenwich at its Annual Meeting for its 2-year term. Faced with the challenge of COVID, the Committee's 2-year term was renewed in June of 2021 at the Annual Meeting. The Committee was reorganized, and First Selectman Fred Camillo informed of the Committee's efforts. 

The Committee is chaired by Barbara O'Neill and Steve Waters.  Current committee members include Michael Bodson, Stephanie Cowie, Hillary Frisbie-Aponte, Rebecca Gillan, Katherine LeBalbo, Steve Munger, and John Winer.  They interviewed Town officials,  reported to the LWV Greenwich Board twice, wrote a report, and are now preparing to inform League members for the purpose of sharing their Concurrence Statement with League members.

When the membership agrees with, or collectively modifies, the Committee's Concurrence Statement, it becomes a position of LWV Greenwich for which the League will advocate. At that point, the report be made available to the public.

The membership meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:30 pm. Only Active members may attend. Quorum is required to pass any motion.

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The Greenwich League maintains active advocacy on three issues: Greenwich Affordable Housing, Water Long Island Sound, and Improving the Effectiveness of the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting.

In the past the LWV Greenwich has taken positions on the Ethics Policy for Town Employees; Board of Estimate and Taxation; the Executive Branch of the Town of Greenwich; the Town Budget Process; Greenwich Land Use Planning; Drinking Water Supply & Protection; Open Space Preservation; Property Acquisitions by the Town of Greenwich; Transportation Management; Waste Management; Social Policy - Greenwich Public Health Care Services.

Running For Office

Looking to have a greater impact on your world? Have a point of view that you want to be considered in the decision-making process?

Don't just leave it to others.  No matter what your age, political affiliation, or background, consider running for office yourself.  The League has guidance to inform your personal civic journey.  Check out these Quick Links. 

How to Run for Office   l   Candidate Qualifications   l   Candidate Ballot Access

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