2024 Recipient: Deirdre Kamlani
Deirdre Kamlani joined the LWV Greenwich board nearly 10 years ago and began her service as a member of the Program Committee. Her interest in public policy education led to her early efforts to open the League’s valuable programming to the whole community. By creating a close working partnership with the Greenwich Library, large format events became a regular feature of the League’s calendar. Deirdre has spearheaded nearly two dozen programs on topics as varied as money in politics, economic development, ranked-choice voting, civility in politics, affordable housing, and climate change.
Deirdre fostered the League’s collaboration with the Case Method Project at Harvard Business School with the goal of bringing this innovative civics program to high schools in Greenwich and across the country. Surveys show that students learning US history and civics with the case method are more likely to vote, be politically aware and engage more constructively with those having different political views. So far, teachers at Greenwich High School, Greenwich Academy, Sacred Heart, and Rye Country Day School are all using these cases in their classrooms. By leveraging the League’s national platform, Deirdre also helped bring this civics course (at no charge) to 33 states through 120 local League chapters. It is now in all 50 states.
Keeping in mind that LWV Greenwich is a democracy multiplier, she has reached out to other non-partisan organizations to establish collaborative connections, not only as a way for the Greenwich League to expand its reach and program offerings, but also to help strengthen civic trust in our democracy more broadly. Deirdre has been the Greenwich League’s point person for collaboration with Connecticut Public, our statewide PBS and NPR affiliate, the National Institute for Civil Discourse and Braver Angels, among others.
Deirdre has been a delegate to both state and national League conventions, and she presented at the national League’s 2018 convention in Chicago on the Harvard Business School-incubated civics project. Deirdre informs Board decision making with judgment and thoughtfulness. She is a sought-after adviser.
Deirdre is also a board member of the Case Method Institute for Education and Democracy and a founding board member of the Institute for American Ideals. She also serves as a member of Connecticut Public’s Fairfield County Advisory Committee, the LWV/National Institute for Civil Discourse Network Planning Committee, and the International Women’s Forum of Connecticut. Deirdre is a past recipient of the League’s Mary Award (2019) and the YWCA’s Women Who Inspire Award (2021). Deirdre and her husband, Suneel, have lived in Greenwich for nearly 25 years.